Every person at some point in their life feels lonely or feels the need to have someone by their side. It is not wrong to feel this way but at the same time, it is really important to understand that you are the one who is responsible for your happiness or sadness. It is great to have family, and friends who support you, care about you, and celebrate along with you but you should never let yourself be dependent on them completely. Sooner or later you should realize that if you don't like yourself no one around you will if you don't believe in yourself no one else will.


Believing in yourself is the key to achieving your dreams and goals. If you don't believe in yourself who else will??Doesn't matter how hard the task is or how impossible it seems it is really important to believe that you can do it.

Trying something new, making mistakes while trying, and learning from them are all initial steps for you to reach your final destination. At some point in your life, you have to take a leap of faith and trust yourself and your ability to survive it.


Developing as an individual is one of the crucial aspects of being independent. Failing is a part of life, everyone at some point fails in their life but it's also important to learn from your failures and constantly make an effort to improve yourself each day, rectify your mistakes and never give up on your goals. Financial stability is one of the factors contributing to one's independence but being independent as a whole requires one to be emotionally and mentally strong too. Also being emotionally and mentally strong contributes largely to your personal growth. It helps you build yourself without depending on others to make you happy or tell you who you should be. It allows you to identify your strength and weaknesses and attain a sense of inner calm.

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Taking your own decisions and standing by them without worrying about other people's opinions or thoughts can help you to be yourself and succeed in your goals. Society will try to pull you down several times but it depends on you to let it affect you or to take a step away from that and be confident and independent about your decisions.

Being independent helps you to find yourself in a better place. It increases happiness, promotes self-belief, and gives you a sense of purpose.

Independent people have a mind of their own and because of this quality, their principles and beliefs cannot be easily shaken by the opinion of others which helps them to tackle any situation with confidence and succeed in life.